Leibster Blog Award

Q & A with my people for the Liebster Blog Award.

What an exciting opportunity to develop relationships and get to know our fellow bloggers.  The Liebster Blog Award is similar to a chain letter. Gathering a mass of people to focus in on one another.

Driving traffic to our blogs.  In the hope that a couple may enjoy what they see and subscribe to our email lists.  A task that never leaves our ‘to do lists’.

What drew me in were the rules.  Sharing information that we would not normally write about in our blogs.  I thought it a celebration of individuals.

The rules of the Liebster Blog Award are these:LiebsterAward-badge

1. Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
2. Answer 10 questions that the blogger gives you.
3. Give 10 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 10 blogs.
5. Notify the bloggers that you have nominated them.
6. Give them 10 questions to answer.

Without any further ado, here are the question Chanler from TeamJeffers had left me with.

  1. What is your favorite memory from childhood?

As a child I used to love scaring people.  I had a thing for plastic spiders. We always folded our pyjamas and put them under our pillows as we made our beds.  That’s where I would put the spider.  My mother would suffer the biggest freight just before going to bed.  I had been in childhood slumber for hours.  How could she wake a sleeping angel?

One of my funniest scares was when my mum was speaking to my Auntie.  I crept from behind and used a horn to startle her.  It made her Liester Awardwhole body convulse.  Which made me lose control.  I could not stop laughing.  I had tears coming from my eyes.  This time she got real mad.  “You could cause a
person a heart attack”  you could hear her yelling at me.  Which only made me laugh more.  Mum was not impressed

  1. What is your biggest fear as an adult, and how do you manage it?

Public speaking.  No matter what I do it is a fear that really knocks me around.  I’m a registered Toastmaster having delivered many speeches.  I have used You Tube to practice speaking in front of a camera.  I have developed in this area but the fear never seems to lighten. Although I must say it is addictive.  After giving a talk the buzz feels so fine.  Facing that fear head on gives me a high.

As my blog grows I want to start applying for speaking gigs in my area of expertise.  That will be when I face the ultimate of challenges.

  1. Please tell us your favorite song from high school.

As soon as I read this question, the immediate song that came to mind was Midnight Oil’s – US Forces lyrics sung by Peter Garrett.

But I must say I’m a romantic at heart.  Songs can put me in a dreamy state of mind.

  1. What did you train to do for a living, and does it relate at all to what you do now?

Before I decided on my chosen degree I went and saw a career adviser.  I had always gravitated towards Social Work.  Helping people always came easy to me.

The interviewer advised me not to take this avenue as I would not get rich by doing this course.

While I don’t have a lot of spare cash, I feel pretty rich having completed the degree.  It has come in handy working on myself and sharing practical knowledge.

My life experiences came from the school of hard knocks.  One who is curious will always venture into areas that may not be beneficial to them in the long run.  But that never stopped me.

  1. What is your biggest life goal that you still have to meet?

I want to travel.  Looking forward to adventure and wide open spaces.  I’m committed to writing one post a week.  I want to experience the pressure of my own dead line while I’m moving from one place to another.

Drinking coffee in a Rome café while busy typing away on my lap top.  Sipping red wine, overlooking the sea in Greece or Venice thinking over my next writing assignment.  Stressing about my post while walking a trail through Spain or Vietnam.  Sharing a picture post of my safari in Africa.

  1. What are you doing, right now, to make that goal happen?

I write one post and make one connection at a time.  I want the travelling laptop lifestyle.  I have realistic and do-able goals.  It’s not without it’s hiccups but it’s the only plan that makes any sense to me.  And if feels right.

  1. If I asked you to sum up your life’s philosophy in one sentence, what would you say?

Never miss an opportunity to laugh at life or yourself! 

  1. Which do you enjoy more? Watching sports, or actually playing them? Or neither?

I have struggled with exercise all of my life.  This panting business is really not for me.  If I want to raise my heart beat I put on a horror film.  Listening to the build up music is enough to get me jumpy.

However there many sports stars out there and it’s a joy to watch them run around and show off their athletic ability.

I exercise regularly but nothing too strenuous.  I have no excuse to back out of a light work out four times a week.

  1. Let’s talk about food. No calories, no guilt–what would you eat?

I’m a carbs girl from way back.  Fresh white bread, mashed potato (or any kind of potatoes for that matter), pasta in huge amounts and rice.

The smell of a bakery sends my sensors into overdrive.  My taste buds do back flips.  Smelling that bread makes me want to hang around the shop breathing in freshly baked loaves.  I do get very upset knowing that I will only be able to eat two or three slices of bread before I am full.

  1. Biggest regret in life so far?

I don’t do regrets.  I had mentally bashed myself up for years.  (What a waste of time!).  After a lot of mind work and applied discipline, I finally have come to a place where I could not be happier with who I am.  Maybe the regret should be that I did not develop a loving relationship with myself sooner.

10 Random Facts about Me.

  1. I think I’m the Cookie Monster’s love child.  We have so many similar habits.
  2. I have a thing for labels.  They have to be facing me.  In the kitchen, bathroom and laundry.  While I have not started colour coding my pegs when I hang the clothes out to dry, I have thought about it.
  3. Absolutely fascinated by human behaviour –  its a passion and a torment.
  4. One side of my brain along with my taste buds, loves sugar.  The more disciplined side of my mind allows it in small doses.
  5. I have a male and female living inside my head.  Generally they disagree so it gets a bit busy when I have to make a decision.
  6. I’m always for the underdog.
  7. I believe each individual on this earth deserves one proper meal a day and strongly believe we should all get busy attempting to make that happen.
  8. I think you and I are very rich when we have good health, a full belly, a roof over our head and are warm.  Anything outside of this is a bonus.
  9. My default is happy.  I can be in any mood but generally I’m happy go lucky.
  10. Curious by nature.  Never lost that (but why?) from childhood.

That’s me in a nutshell.  I’m simple a girl.

I rub my hands together like a mad scientist ready to pass over my questions to someone else.  I’m very grateful for her participation.

  1. What strength/s are you glad you have?
  2. What are two things you want to do before you leave earth?
  3. When you look in the mirror, what is the first thought that comes to mind?
  4. How do you relax?
  5. What tips do you have when you come up against writers block?
  6. How do you reward yourself when you have reached a goal?
  7. What is your favorite indulgence?
  8. What makes your heart swell with delight?
  9. If you could spend a couple of hours with a politician who said, ‘we’ll listen to your views’, what would you talk about?
  10. You’re invited to a summit where homelessness is the topic. What would you suggest?

As you complete the Liebster Blog Award mission feel a warm sense of blogging happiness come over you.  A time where you did that odd post.  It mucked up your week, maybe sent you into over load.  A little stress, feeling strange creating a post that was not expected.  Hope you enjoyed this activity.

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  1. Hey Rachel,

    What a joy to read through your memories and philosophy of life. I am a fan of your ‘making one connection at a time’ rule. That’s how we got connected too.

    An odd post no doubt, but I am finding the idea behind this peer nominated award really interesting. It’s a great way to know about your fellow blogger and I surely got to know you a little better 🙂

    Excited to prepare for your questions and write some of mine. Thanks for enlightening about this awesome chain communication. Take care and have a great day ahead 🙂
    Manidipa Bhaumik recently posted…WPForms – New WordPress Contact Form Plugin for BeginnersMy Profile

    • Hey Manidipa,

      The one connection rule is easy and does not confuse. Actually – I have be thinking about it a lot lately. Doing more and reaching out. Like not waiting for a post like this to get to know people I am in regular contact with.

      Phew, I’m glad you think the Liebster Blog Award odd too. It threw a spanner into my week and I really did not know what to think of it. It took a couple of days after committing to the post, wondering what the hell have I got myself into. Then I really started to enjoy it.

      I can’t wait to see your answers and questions. I have decided I’m going to visit every blog that you list and those of the other people that participated. Its like my way of saying I appreciate your efforts. It will take about a month – but that way it takes me into territory I would not normally travel. Who knows what I will find or who I will meet.

      So glad you said yes. Talk soon.


  2. Hi Rachel,

    Many congratulations on receiving the awards, wonderful indeed 🙂

    Your post reminded me of the time when I used to get several of these awards, initially when I started blogging too – it was kind of contagious with bloggers, passing it on. I’ve written about them all in some older posts on the blog as well. It sure is fun as it connects you with so many others, and you gain recognization for your work too.

    And, don’t worry about having a different kind of post on your blog (I know the feeling) but they do well as people get to know more of you this way, which otherwise they wouldn’t!

    Coming to the post, unbelievable that you scared people, so unlike you now, Rachel!! But it must have scared the hell out of your mom to see those spiders..lol.

    #2 – doesn’t seem so, as I’ve heard you and it’s just your fear I think. So, don’t worry, you do very well in this regard.

    #5- travelling would be fun, something that one of my blogging friend and his wife do, Ryan, if you heard of him. Need to try that myself someday as well, perhaps once the kids are on their own.

    Love your life’s philosophy, keeps you grounded, isn’t it? Yes, I am neither a sporty person, but one needs to shed the weight, so I usually stick to my regular morning walks.

    #9- You love all the wrong food…lol…but again, if you can carry it off well, nothing like it. I know, if we have those, we’d burst from all sides!!

    #10 – I am glad you came through it all, and that’s the biggest lesson we can learn from life, isn’t it?

    Lol…male and female part – I think we all have those in shades within us, so you aren’t alone there.

    Thanks for sharing more of you with us – always good to know about each other, isn’t it? Have a nice, rest of the week 🙂
    Harleena Singh recently posted…4 Ways to Unleash Your True SelfMy Profile

    • Hey Harleena,

      I felt honored when Chanler from Teamjeffers asked me to participate. Then I went a little numb, I had never done anything like this before. After a couple of days I got busy with it. Like you say it is fun. We don’t normally reveal ourselves in our posts. Well not a personal level. It was light hearted.

      I agree having the award up on my blog will give people a bit of background on who I am. think thats what we are looking for every now and again. I love hearing about other peoples, likes and dislikes, quirks and dreams.

      The spider bit, as I was writing and reflecting on it, I began to laugh about it. I knew she would want to yell at me, but I was a sleep. To a kid that is a lot of fun.

      Public speaking, I’m determined to nail it.

      Oh Harleena, travel. Once you start the list of places you want to see grows. The people, places, different foods, the experience. I just love it. But its hard work travelling. On those tired days when all you want are your old creature comforts and they are so far away, one certainly does appreciate what they have.

      The carbs, I love them, but I am very strict with them. I have a planned diet. They make me bust at the sides. I used to be able to eat them all whenever I wanted. Now as I have gotten older that is no longer the case. Because I don’t do exercise that is over the top or raises my heart beat for too long, I have to be even more mindful about what I put into my mouth. Fridays is my treat days and boy do I look forward to that day.

      The mind is a wonder and a torment but I would not have it any other way. Thanks for your continued support and encouragement.


  3. Oh Thank you Rachel for the nomination. Blogging has been such an inspiration for me, and a journey to creating my own voice. My Jar of success has pulled me through the hard time and produced more than I can imagine and only more to come.

    • Hey Sandy,

      I love hearing that your blog “My Jar of Success” has pulled you through the hard times. I can’t wait to see your answers and a few random facts about you, to get to know you a little better.

      Of course I would nominate you Sandy, I read you blog and get a dose of motivation – we have to share type of energy around. Thanks for your comments.


    • Hey Muhammad,

      LOL – I appreciate the visit but reading it twice – such compliments. Great to have you here.


  4. Oh, Rachel–what a delight all of these answers are! I really enjoyed reading through them, and got a real sense of your mischievousness! lol! Thanks so much for participating in this. It’s really fun to connect with people from all over the world as we do this writing, and I’m so enjoying becoming friends with you.

    Thanks, again!


    • Hey Chanler,

      I’d like to thank you for asking me to do this award. A great honor to be thought of. At first I was a bit nervous. Don’t we get stuck in our ways? Posts are safe, but focusing in on ourselves felt odd initially. But it was fun. I enjoyed your post, I had to give it my all, yours was so impressive.

      It is great to connect with others and I am glad we have crossed paths. I am trying my hardest not to use “my friend” in my posts as I do so love how you do that in yours. Glad we did this collaboration together, it was fun. Thanks again.


  5. Hi Rachel

    Well! I just had to laugh at your scaring techniques. You certainly reminded about my Dad who loved to scare.

    It is great to know more about you. I do remember you talked about Public speaking and what you were doing about it. I do know that when I watched your Youtube videos, I liked the way you presented.

    The travel laptop lifestyle! I did not that you loved to travel. What a surprise. I know one guy who is doing it. His name is Yaro starak and his blog is Entrepreneur journey when you have the time.

    I am glad you followed your heart. Look at what it turned you into; an awesome personality and you certainly are an inspiration. Good thing you stuck your ground.

    Love your random facts. It is awesome to know that you are simple. Thumbs up and thanks for sharing. Take Care

    • Hey Ikechi,

      I already think your dad is wonderful. Scaring people still to this day has me bent over laughing. I go in search of them weekly on the internet. Yeah that’s how I get my kicks.

      I love to public speak, but I put a tonne of work into each and every talk. If I’m going to muck up its with a whole lot of preparation. It has me trembling. But I love after it. Don’t you just feel a live? Thanks for you feedback on my You Tubes. I never truly got comfortable in front of the camera and while the editing does my head in, I don’t mind the work I did.

      Adventure is in my blood. Staying in the one spot has always been a struggle for me. I love new and to feel outside of my comfort zone. It won’t be long before I get to do it again. That’s the aim.

      These kinds of awards are a great way to share ourselves outside of a post. I really had fun with it. Thanks for your comments.


  6. Hi, Rachel

    Congratulation! It is a well deserved award.

    I, as the reader, got a huge benefit from this post – we know you much better. The stories from child hood, food to eat, entertainment, emotional aspect, to life philosophy. Some of them were so funny that I had deep belly laughes.

    I love to read your blog. Now I know you more, you get me as loyal follower.

    Have a nice week!

    – Stella Chiu

    • Hey Stella,

      Thanks for the congrats Stella. It was a treat for Chanler from Teamjeffers to have me in her thoughts. I was delighted by the offer.

      I had become so used to writing posts that when I was asked to reveal a little about myself I was a little tongue tided. I am all over the net speaking about myself when commenting (I do my best to fit a post to my personal experience) – but the award focused solely on me. It was tough at first and then I had fun with it and really enjoyed the process.

      Thank you so much for your comments and I know you are loyal. You’re here all the time and it never goes unnoticed and is always appreciated. You comments and insights have attributed to some of the posts I have written so please be sure you are very valued.

      Talk soon.


  7. Hi Rachel,

    Congratulations on being nominated for a Liebster award!

    It was so good to know more about you. I loved Midnight Oil when I was in high school. I haven’t heard their music in a long time…brought back memories 🙂

    I love your life’s philosophy…laughter is good medicine.

    I’m a carbs girl too. I’ve cut back but I still enjoy a nice buttered roll :). Okay, now I’m getting hungry, hehe.

    I share the same regret as you do. I should have learned to love myself a long time ago. I still struggle with this from time to time but I’m better off than I was some years ago.

    I enjoyed reading this and getting to know you better!

    I hope you’re having a great week. 🙂

    Corina Ramos recently posted…5 Free Online Resources That Will Skyrocket Your SkillsMy Profile

    • Hey Cori,

      Thanks for the congrats, I was thrilled that Chancer thought about me as one of her nominees.

      I think we are similar in age. Midnight Oil was one of my teenage bands as well. Peter Garrett is now a politician.

      You first came to my attention after posting something about food. You certainly know how to make a girl crave her carbs. I just had a hot bread roll that I wrapped in foil and put in the oven with loads of butter. It was so yum.

      If I had known that I was doing myself more harm than good by my outlook I would have changed it sooner. I was just unaware. It took me a good three to four months not to near be in tears when I finally worked out just how hard I was on myself. Now I have a tonne of appreciation. Sometimes I wonder if I let myself off the hook more so than what I should now. I have gone to the other extreme. But nevertheless I have this fine relationship with me now.

      You always get me raving where my finger tips go bouncer around the keyboard. Thanks for your comments.


  8. It was nice to get to know you a bit more and great job on taking your fear of public speaking head on! I wish we were closer so I could come support you when you do a speaking engagement. You’ll have to post some clips of it on your blog!

    • Hey Christine,

      It was the oddest of posts. I don’t know about you, but I have become so comfortable in writing posts, initially it was a bit uncomfortable making a post mainly about me. That was never going to last long.

      The public speaking. I have a You Tube channel I started before I began blogging (you can find me under Rachel Wolany or Dig A Little Deeper). I enjoyed the writing of the scripts, but the editing was not at all enjoyable. However in saying that I am considering shorter clips. The idea of getting better at talking off the top of my head without any ‘butts or umms’ is very appealing. Thanks for your support and encouragement.


  9. Hi Rachel,

    First of all, many congratulations for receiving this award!

    Glad to know about your philosophy and interesting things about you. I can relate myself with so many things like one side of my brain wants sugar and other side never stops me (in my case), happy go lucky mood and I also get fascinated by labels. 🙂

    • Hey Ana,

      Thanks for the congrats. It was great to be nominated.

      Oh the sugar. So glad you are human and one part takes you directly to the sugar. You will be the blame for over indulging in the Easter period. My brain will be saying, don’t forget what Ana wrote – one side of her brain never stops her. And another chocolate egg will be eaten.

      The labels. I just like everything to be facing me, it stems from working in the Food and Beverage industry for way too long. Thanks for your comments.


  10. My fav question- Which do you enjoy more? Watching sports, or actually playing them? Or neither?
    I love playing the sports, getting dirty and fast heartbeat rate.
    Congrats for the Award Rachel. My reading list is incremented by 1 more. 🙂

    • Hey Upasna,

      It’s your first time to my blog so welcome.

      Glad you enjoyed the Q & A from the Liebster Awards. Nothing wrong with enjoying your sport, getting dirty while increasing the heart rate. Sounds like exercise becomes you.

      Thanks for your comments.


  11. Congratulations Rachel,

    Love your phylosophy and it’s good to know that you have no regrets. Keep up the good work!

    • Hey Bola,

      There’s certainly no regrets now. I worked through them. There’s no escaping the mind. But you do get over the same thought swimming in you mind constantly. So we know automatically which ones we have to face. Thanks for your comments.


    • Hey Jose,

      Of course I was hunting for newbies just like you and me for this award. Travelling is something that gets me up every morning. The harder I work now the better I will be later on. Oh I struggle between sugar and carbs. I love them all. Can’t wait to see your answers.


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