Vipassana Meditation – There Is No Escaping Yourself.

Vipassana Meditation - There Is No Escaping Yourself.I didn’t know what I was searching for.  Full of life, with no direction.  Trying one experience after another.  To land smack bang in the middle of a 10 day retreat called Vipassana Meditation.

Before embarking on this adventure, I read all the instructions of the course.  One would have thought I had some idea of what I was installed for.  Little was I to know how much of an impact this would have on me long into the future.

Would you believe it, if I said I had found the biggest rush of a life time?  The Vipassana Meditation course would suit both the dare devil and the book worm?

We all know the adventurous type who jumps from a plane, scales walls, takes a leap of faith with a rope wrapped around their ankles and then jumps.  They do whatever it takes to get their adrenaline running through their veins.  Some of the risks are life threatening.  One wrong calculation and death could be at their door step.

Then there are those who love to get lost in a good book.  Enjoying page after page of romance, horror, thrillers or whatever takes their mind on a ride.  Reading about life’s adventures through the eyes of a writer.

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Meditation is NOT for me!

Meditation is NOT for me.You have heard it all before. To meditate all you have to do is sit in quiet spot, cross your legs, place your hands over your knees, close your eyes, concentrate on the breathing and prepare to relax. These basic rules are going to lead you to internal bliss. The research highlights this practise is good for you. Taking this action is going to make you smile just like the Dalai Lama.

Generally before you start something new, you buy an outfit, pay for a course, read about it or study a little – prepare in some way. But for this exercise; all you are required to do is sit and breathe. Really? How hard could that possibly be?

Your scheduled meditation time has arrived. You turn all the lights and any noise off and go to your allocated meditation spot. You take a couple of breaths and there is no magic. You take a couple more and now your mind has started nagging at you. Surely this can’t be right.

You shuffle around. Reposition yourself, blow out a big sigh and start again. Refocusing on the breathing. You may as well be at a party where a conversation is not an option because the music is so loud. You want to relax into peaceful pleasure but your mind has other ideas. It wants mental warfare to sit at the top of its thoughts.

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