Emotions Don’t Do Any Damage, Actions Do.

Emotions Don’t Do Any Damage – Actions Do.

Think about all the emotions you feel when visiting the Circus.  The first act is with the monkeys and clowns.  We giggle at the cheekiness of their tricks.

Then the harrowing acrobats flipping through the air.  Leaving us breathless and in awe of their death defying performance.

You’ve never seen all the young girls in the audience so quiet when the Princess comes riding out on her Pony.  Wondering if your child has forgotten to blink, she’s so enthralled.

As that act finishes the Cowboys and Indians come out for the boys.  Now it’s their turn to be captivated.  The bad guys start to take over and the audience is in an uproar.

Each act delivered to stir all your emotions.  While we’re spell bound by the performances we don’t feel a sense of loss when one act comes to an end.  We watch, observe and enjoy it for what it is.  A passing moment.

That’s how we should experience our feelings.  Every emotion makes itself known to us.  It has the potential to shift our mood.  When all we had to do was acknowledge it without reacting.  Aware it will move on.

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It’s Time To Examine Ourselves When We React Whilst Communicating.

It’s Time To Examine Ourselves When We React Whilst Communicating.

It’s time to examine your emotions if you are feeling like this.

Creative people work towards having their master pieces viewed by an audience.  With the intention of being informative or thought provoking.  Generating emotions such as passion, anger, happiness and sadness or even sparking a fire.  They want us to react.  You may appreciate their work.  It may bring up a fond or horrid memory from the past.  If an artist has stirred something within you they get to take a bow.

Should we hold the same gratitude toward people who offend, insult or make us defensive?  It’s not art when an individual rouses such deep feelings within us.  However we could be thanking them in the long run for pointing out an area in ourselves that requires examination.

Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.  – Buddha

As humans we react so fast.  One minute we are sitting around having a casual conversation, the next, voices are raised and a disagreement has erupted.  When communication creates such disturbances, we can see this as an opportunity for growth.

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