You’re High Maintenance When You Expect Too Much From Your Friends

You're High Maintenance When You Expect Too Much From Your Friends.

Do you have a friend that makes you feel like this?

From a young age we learn to socialise.  We understand what a joy it is to be around other people.  We can’t wait to see them and share good news.  We get to lean on them through bad times.  Mates will extend themselves and carry us when they see we need a shoulder to cry on.  The support we offer and receive from one another creates strong bonds.

Yet friendships can be worn down from maltreatment.  At times we forget and expect too much and give nothing in return.  We may take it for granted that our buddies will be there for us no matter what.  That’s a lot of pressure to put on someone else.

You’re high maintenance when you expect too much from your friends.  What on earth does that mean?

None of us is perfect.  Most of us understand that.  We all tolerate and accept the idiosyncrasies in one another.  Good traits outweigh those annoying habits. 

We all tolerate and accept the idiosyncrasies in one another. Good traits outweigh those annoying habits. Share on X

Yet there are individuals in our circles that drag us down.  Sometimes we are aware of what they do, other times we are unconscious to the fact.

It becomes obvious when you have to start cleaning up their mess.

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Saying No, It’s Only Being Assertive.

Saying No.

Saying No, can be challenging for some.

“Darling, I know you have been up since 4 this morning but would you take the rubbish out, mend the fence and after dinner – do the dishes. 

Don’t forget I want you in tip top condition, so we will go for a 45 minute run.  And then I want you to make sweat passionate love to me. 

Umm; I think that’s about all, but I will let you know if anything else comes up”.

The above statement is ridiculous.  Do you feel obligated to say, ‘yes’ when people make a request?  Is it possible that you are asking too much of yourselves when attempting to please everyone around you?

If the answer is yes, then rub your hands together and roll up your sleeves.  Here is an area where you need to focus your attention on your own behaviour.  The hard work is just about to begin.

The practice of being assertive and saying, ‘no’ is about to begin.  We will also look at asking for your own needs to be fulfilled.  Identifying these areas is the easy part.  Putting this into action is where it gets a little murky.

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