Superhero Strengths to the Emotional Rescue.

You have a lot of strengths in common with Superman.  Yes you should continue reading.  In fact I want you take this post seriously.  So, I’ll never say you’ll be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound or soar through the air, like a bird or a plane.

Superman is a service provider.  Fighting crime.  Caring and protecting humanity.  In times of need, he showed his strength, courage and passion.  He did whatever he could to maintain order.

However, this Superhero has one weakness.  When the Baddies wanted to get the better of him, they used kryptonite to take advantage.  It’s their only weapon.

Can you guess what your kryptonite is?  There aren’t too many things that can take you down.  What has the potential to weaken you?

  • Not the people around you.
  • Not the work you do.
  • Not where you live.
  • Not what you own.
  • Not your education levels.
  • Not the clothes you wear.
  • Not the car you drive.
  • Not what you look like.

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Forgiving is Breaking Free from the Bondage Others Created.

Forgiving is Breaking Free from the Bondage Others Created.

Forgive and forget.  Don’t you find it odd, these two words are combined to form a sentence?  Life has delivered hardship.  An experience forever imprinted in your memory banks.  You may become forgiving but you will never forget.

Let’s face it, forgiving others is a tough process.  Although the alternative leaves you condemned to replay the torture over in your mind.

Forgiving others is tough. The alternative leaves you condemned to replay the torture over & over. @thedigger0 Share on X

You don’t just wake up one morning reading something on the internet and start forgiving.  There’s countless steps one must travel through mentally to let go of the past.

Many an evil have others had to endure as a human[s] unleashes their will over another.  Premeditated immoralities, errors in judgement and accidents impact others.  Taking years to recover.

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Vipassana Meditation – There Is No Escaping Yourself.

Vipassana Meditation - There Is No Escaping Yourself.I didn’t know what I was searching for.  Full of life, with no direction.  Trying one experience after another.  To land smack bang in the middle of a 10 day retreat called Vipassana Meditation.

Before embarking on this adventure, I read all the instructions of the course.  One would have thought I had some idea of what I was installed for.  Little was I to know how much of an impact this would have on me long into the future.

Would you believe it, if I said I had found the biggest rush of a life time?  The Vipassana Meditation course would suit both the dare devil and the book worm?

We all know the adventurous type who jumps from a plane, scales walls, takes a leap of faith with a rope wrapped around their ankles and then jumps.  They do whatever it takes to get their adrenaline running through their veins.  Some of the risks are life threatening.  One wrong calculation and death could be at their door step.

Then there are those who love to get lost in a good book.  Enjoying page after page of romance, horror, thrillers or whatever takes their mind on a ride.  Reading about life’s adventures through the eyes of a writer.

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It’s Time To Examine Ourselves When We React Whilst Communicating.

It’s Time To Examine Ourselves When We React Whilst Communicating.

It’s time to examine your emotions if you are feeling like this.

Creative people work towards having their master pieces viewed by an audience.  With the intention of being informative or thought provoking.  Generating emotions such as passion, anger, happiness and sadness or even sparking a fire.  They want us to react.  You may appreciate their work.  It may bring up a fond or horrid memory from the past.  If an artist has stirred something within you they get to take a bow.

Should we hold the same gratitude toward people who offend, insult or make us defensive?  It’s not art when an individual rouses such deep feelings within us.  However we could be thanking them in the long run for pointing out an area in ourselves that requires examination.

Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.  – Buddha

As humans we react so fast.  One minute we are sitting around having a casual conversation, the next, voices are raised and a disagreement has erupted.  When communication creates such disturbances, we can see this as an opportunity for growth.

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