Risk Analysis – A Practised Part of Project Management.

Risk Analysis

Managing Challenges.

There is no forward progress without some sort of plan. When we start making moves towards future goals, we anticipate the good, the bad and the ugly.  This is called risk analysis and it is a necessary part of the process.

Big projects have this calculated into their costs, time management and outcomes. It’s preparing for unforeseeable situations that may or may not arise. Exploring a development from this angle allows us to accommodate for the weather, cost, materials, safety, damage and time-delays.

Tenders for the construction of buildings have weather and material delays calculated into their itemised figures. Each venture will have it is own unique dynamics and requirements.

When we break a plan up into small achievable steps we can apply risk analysis to these same phases. Never underestimate this process as simply calculating a few disappointments along the way. This part of the project prepares the mind for the unanticipated. It allows us to manage whatever arises, whether it was forecasted or not.

When we break a plan up into small achievable steps we can apply risk analysis to these same phases. Share on X

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Say goodbye to ego and hello to change.

Say good-bye to ego and hello to change.

Say good-bye to ego and hello to change.

I would choose a thousand enemies over the uncertainty that my mind creates when I am looking to change my behaviour.

Put your hand up in the air; if you are aware that self-doubt lingers within each and every one of us?  It’s that negative nagging.  We have all heard the following in our minds.  I can’t do it because …………. (Fill in your excuses here).

Other times it can be a physical manifestation created from doubt.  So strong that it can make us feel weak just with the thought of change.

We face two challenges when it comes to altering behavior patterns.  The new actions we want to instill into our life; and that evil enemy sitting on one side of our shoulder whispering doubt.

You are up against your old rival called Ego.  To some it represents as the scared little child within and church goers refer to it as the devil; where temptation teases us to take the wrong path.

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