Affair – Is The Dirty Word In A Relationship.

An Affair brings your character into question. The group that hacked into the Ashley Madison dating site certainly bought data security into the open.  It also propelled already damaged relationships into further chaos.  Could you imagine being in a relationship going about your day to find that your partner on the data base of a website that practices extra martial affairs.

Obviously this partnership has had its issues, no relationship is without them, however now the spouse has to deal with adultery.


You have been at your current job for five years.  You and your colleague were employed on the same day.  A strong and supportive relationship has developed over time.  

On Mondays you openly talk about what you did on the weekends with your partner and kids.  You have shared times when the home environment has hit a rocky patch.  Your spouse’s know one another and on the odd occasion, all four of you have all gone out together.

Your home relationship takes a turn for the worst and you are both discussing this matter at a work event.  It becomes obvious that you’re attracted to one another.  This creates an opportunity to turn this relationship into more than just work mates. 

The first scenario is pre-motivated with the intent to indulge in an extra marital affair.  However the second situation is founded on trust and support.  There is nothing sordid about the later.  These people have known each other for years.

Yet no excuse stops the pain a spouse feels when they find out about an affair.  Nothing eases the surprise, the betrayal or the heartache.

Nothing eases the pain, surprise, betrayal or heartache a spouse feels when finding out about an affair. Share on X

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