Do you make a left turn into self-discovery?

Which direction takes you on the path to self-development?

Which direction takes you on the path to self-development?

You have arrived at a roundabout. Turn right to party hard; having no need for responsibilities or being accountable for your actions.

Go straight ahead to continue along on the same journey, maintaining the status quo. Or make a left turn to the path of self-discovery.

Okay so that is not exactly how it happens. But once you hit this self-development route there are only two options. You do nothing at all.

This choice leaves you with a whole lot of unanswered questions and possibly a tormented mind. Life can even become stagnate, if it is not already.

The second option is to take action. A mild word of caution, the beginning has the potential to disrupt our lives and create havoc.

Self-development is about examining ourselves for improvement. And this is where we can be left a little shaken up or even devastated by some of our flaws. And if you thought short cuts was going to get you there (I did) another rude awakening is on its way.

We may have to muster up every good quality we possess to see us through the following stages. Embrace the positives because this path is going to give you a roller coaster ride, leaving you breathless, stunned and a little excited.

As you are flying through the air at a fast speed wondering will this ever stop.  All the while your belly feels a though it has taken up residence in your mouth.

Honing in your skills and working on yourself. The benefits outweigh the immediate discomfort. Although there is a gutsiness in shining a light on your own imperfections.  Taking the opportunity to improve. The biggest challenge I have ever faced is my explosive temper.

This behaviour is a known family trait, passed on from one generation to the next. I am not attempting to use the blame game for my actions. I am far too old and proud to say, “mummy made me do it”. I own my behaviour.

My past constantly highlighted this bad temper, resolved absolutely nothing. But it does keep people at a distance; due to lack of trust. I gained a reputation as a loose cannon due to my unpredictable nature.

It can ruin relationships. However the biggest surprise was when I realised I did not like people losing their temper at me.

There were countless reasons for becoming angry. I felt threatened, so I would use rage to keep a person at bay. Or, I would feel like things were not in my control. And there are varying other reasons.

But in these last three sentences alone, there are so many issues that require work. If that were not enough reason to look for change then I don’t know what is. This has been a twenty year struggle. But I have never been one to pass up on hard work.

Caution lane changes are ahead when you practise self-development.

Caution lane changes are ahead when you practice self-development.

I was at the starting gates of temper. Over the years I have collected a number of strategies to overcome fury. What happened naturally was I became comfortable in my own skin. Now that did not require strategies. That became a lived in experience.

After years of applying one approach after another, I no longer had to, well in most cases anyway. Once I realised I had a choice in how I handled anyone situation – things changed.

Have you heard the strategy that says, ‘count to ten, when you are about to lose your temper?’ Well that never worked for me, because I would get to ten in a second and then let it rip. I had to try this approach in order to know it was not for me.

So learning to refrain from exploding into fits of rage took many failed attempts but as I got better at it, there were many successes. One could say I have had many years to perfect this.

I took up silence as a strategy. When there is really nothing nice to say, keep it zipped. Another approach was to choose my wars. Questioning, is this really a war I wanted to be a part of?

A meditation retreat I attended – gave me another tool. When a person wants to share a bad mood, you mentally put your hand up in the air and say, ‘I don’t want your gift’.

While I share my biggest life hurdle I want to show that these stages do not just apply to my situation alone. Here are a few examples of how our world can be rocked, once our mind has been awakened.

Could you imagine thinking you were in love with your partner? This new learning phase has alerted you to the relationship area of your life?

Emphasising the negatives and why it is a difficult relationship. However you came across this information (reading a book, seeing your relationship played out on a TV screen or doing a course) is not all that important. But because it makes sense, you realise there are relationship issue you must address. The mind has been stirred. So things must change.

Or you become aware that some of the people in your circles are stifling you. Maybe you are following rather than leading, which means you have not been thinking about your actions, just doing.

And possibly the worst one of all is when you realise that some of your family members think they have your best interest at heart, but this new education shows you otherwise. These can be the most profound moments in our lives and yet we are heading into stormy waters.

So you could say a new process has begun whether you like it or not. The mind refuses to stay where it is. That is what I mean by the start of the path.

Sometimes the awakening of our mind can be so big that nothing will ever be the same again. Whilst in the period of transformation, relationships can be rocked as we are changing our behaviour patterns (our responses to the world).

Our family, friends and associates are familiar with our behaviour; when that shifts it becomes noticeable to those who know as well. This can be an unsettling process for everyone.

I come from a loud Polish back ground. Every conversation could be misinterpreted as us, screaming at one another. However this is nothing more than excitement.

I remember taking a friend to a family lunch and she felt uncomfortable because she thought we were all yelling at one another. This was how we communicated when we all got together.

I have been loud for a very long time. Now add temper and loud together and when you mix the two, I can come across as very intimidating and unapproachable.

I always said five seconds of glory for a lifetime of regret, which was a little harsh.  Although I have lost relationships that were really engaging and therapeutic for me because of this rage. However some people are only passing through your life as a lesson, they were never sticking around.

As I was constantly reviewing my temper, I recognised another valuable skill I had. After a volatile situation was managed, I would dissect the situation moment by moment.

Upon reflection I would sum up where I did well and where additional work was required. Throughout these trial and error years I would either be walking proud or felt beaten by this temper.

Either way I was affected by the outcome. And this area of learning is called the GAP. It is when you find different strategies and begin putting them into practise.

An awakened mind creates change.

An awakened mind creates change.

There is a GAP in Self-Discovery.

You are not the expert but the student. Experimenting with change. Getting it wrong, to get it right. It’s a process.

We have learnt about an area in our behaviour that requires an overhaul. We have some new ideas on how to adjust our old ways, however we must wait until a situation arises in order for us to apply these new strategies.

I thoroughly researched anger and one could say I was prepared to apply new knowledge whenever a moment presented itself. There were strategies like counting to ten that simply did not work for me. Although I have seen it work for others.

Just because we try a new approach does not mean we own it. We must test run it first. It is not a part of our tool kit yet.  We don’t know if it is the right fit. There will be methods we embrace and others we discard once we realise they just aren’t for us.

My continual anger management practise kept me riding in this area for many years. Just when I thought I had conquered a hurdle another situation would arise and show me where more work was required.

The gap means finding your way through the storm. With a temper like mine, I was regularly testing new strategies, I became determined – I wanted to unlearn what was learned.

Because we have focused on this part of our lives for a while; when a situation arises we can actually see it coming. It is an area we are prepared for.

The gap is the learning phase that we must go through to come out the other end, transformed. It is only then that things start running a little more smoothly.

Self-Discover & The Confidence Stage

Confidence is the stage we achieve once we have passed through the gap. We become comfortable about this change. We have worked in this area for a long period of time.

We believe in what we are doing and most importantly we trust ourselves. The change has become second nature. When a matter arises in the area where confidence is established, there is no fuss, you handle the matter without it having any affect.

It is not a like or dislike, it is not anger or hysteria. It is neutral. The matter arises you deal with it and you get on with life.

When we begin down this path, we truly are unaware of the amount of work we are going to instill into ourselves. We take this path with our own perception of what it is going to be like, but really until we start the steps we don’t realise that there are twists and turns in our journey.

Just when we think we have nailed a new behaviour or change, chance will throw a spanner in the works and show us just how human we are.

Be grateful for these moments, because this is just making sure our new structure can’t be rattled and if it is – well it just guides us new areas of work.

If you enjoyed this post, don’t forget to share it with those you know. 

Posted in Behaviour, Change, Self Development and tagged , , , , , , , .


  1. Hi Rachel,

    Wonderful post 🙂

    I love self-development and I’m impressed with your journey to self-discovery. You’re so right that sometimes we may be shaken up by the revelations when we take actions and do not like the truth that we have to face. You truly need courage and strength to go on the self-development route.

    I agree with you and admire that you own up your behavior and not blame it on anything or anybody, which I know isn’t easy. It’s a fact that we always have a choice and it is our responsibility to make the best choice. I’m glad you could come up to this understanding, accept your faults, and then work to improve them. Kudos to you!

    This post will do wonders to those who have been negatively affected with their temper and you’ve come up with good and practical strategies to overcome it. Awareness is the first step, then comes understanding, and the will to make a change. You’ve truly done great to take these steps and treated everything and everybody as life lessons. It’s your power of determination that has put you on the success path and I can see this trait of yours in blogging too!

    You’re right about the GAP and the confidence stage, and life will throw lemons at you at unexpected times and situations and what you do with them depends on your mindset and habits.

    Thanks for sharing this motivational post. Have a nice week ahead, and we meet now once I’m back to blogging, after my little break 🙂

    BTW – Congratulations on the CommentLuv plugin, and I’m liking the links you’ve started adding now – more feathers in your cap! 🙂
    Harleena Singh recently posted…Blogging Basics: CRUX of Blogging Tips for New BloggersMy Profile

    • Hey Harleena

      Thanks for your comments. Always wonderful to get your feedback I must say. I did not know how to nail this post without showing how it was done. So I had to look at my process to be able to explain it. Self-development hey? I wonder if I would have taken the route had I known what I was in for. But I look back and smile because I don’t think I would have done it any other way. I believe being shaken up, is what helps us move? Once the mind is awakened it will not let us rest where we are.

      My mind speaks to me, giving me orders. I get this little nag and it will not stop until I am following it. And it has never lead me astray, but it does annoy me. Trust me to get a moral compass that is a nag. It will say go this way and until I do, it just will not stop. If I ignore it, it turns into a feeling, generally in my stomach. It was with writing as well and now I am on the path, I haven’t heard a word. So it is like my nag is happy with where I am at (this is very different from the ego voice). Your words are truly wonderful, I am near blushing at your compliments. You have got me a little tongue tied, but thank you. I hope my work does help-that is the aim. As for the lemons, I had so many thrown I have become a good catcher. Have a fine break. Cheers for the feedback on my blog. Just to keep you updated, I met all my SEO requirements this week and I was cheering. Talk soon.

  2. Hi Rachel,

    I can relate to your past. I too had not-so-great traits, that seemed to be a family thing, that hindered me. I had a horrible temper as well and things that would happen as a result of it were just as bad.

    I now have better control over it and don’t allow it to consume me. I’ve realized the impact that is has and how it can make matters worse. It does take a lot to look within and start to make the necessary changes.

    Glad you were able to contol it as well 🙂

    Lea Bullen recently posted…Why Gamble With Your Life? 7 Good Habits for Guaranteed SuccessMy Profile

    • Hey Lea,

      Yeah it really is not an easy process shifting what was created at a very early age. But I think about if I had not (I don’t dwell there), but I could not imagine being that strung out. And a bad temper is just the start because it is layered with insecurity. I can’t express how much I value who I am now. Words still can define how pleased I am with my (me) outcomes. It did not come easy, but I would not change who I am for anything. I think back the the troubled teens and the mid twenties and I compare where I am now and I am sound. It still exists but anger was only the icing on the cake. Anger like ours (by the sounds of it) is layered with so much more under the surface. Thanks for the reply, I do enjoy conversing with you. Talk soon.

  3. Hi Rachel

    I enjoyed this post from start to finish. Yes you are right that Self development is a journey and it so true that people don’t easily embrace change which is why when there is a change in one’s life, it can affect family, friends and loved ones.

    I agree that development is an overnight thing and there is no one size all strategy. One needs to keep testing and testing.

    I can relate to your story. I had so much flaws in my past that I had to deal with and the method I used is to question my actions and ask why I reacted to such situation. This has helped me till date.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful week.
    ikechi recently posted…Why You Are Confused About What To Do in LifeMy Profile

    • Hey Ikechi,

      Great to hear from you again. I like your strategy of asking why you responded to a situation, it goes along the same lines as how I handle anger. I think anyone who has travelled the self-development path acknowledges a slow path of one step forward and two steps back. But I would not go back to being a young adult. I feel a real sense of energy that I possess now and it is okay to be what it is each and everyday. An acceptance of who I am with a calm disposition.

      What I always try and nail in my posts the process. Only because when I read stuff they give you the how to (and I love that bit) and it sounds rather easy. But we all know that the hardest change we can ever make is changes in our behaviour. Once again Ikechi your comments show me that you have come a long way. I bet you are enjoying you now more than you ever have. Thats how I feel about myself. Thanks for your reply. Talk soon.

  4. Hi Rachel

    Wonderful post indeed! What I love about it is the way you have explained the path to self-discovery and working on getting rid of the negative traits which comes in many forms. Self-discovery is a journey and we don’t et it right at our first attempt. But try again we must.

    Self-awareness is the first step and being able to recognize what needs to be fixed. Your journey is remarkable and thanks for sharing it.

    Have a great day!
    Yvonne I. Wilson recently posted…The Wisdom Of A Father To His Sons and DaughtersMy Profile

    • Gee Yvonne,

      What a wonderful wrap you have just given me. Blush, blush. Firstly thank you for returning to my blog.

      Secondly, I agree with your comment about self-discovery – we never get it on the first attempt. But if everything was created on the first attempt then what would we strive for hey? I think the one thing that separates people who want to make changes and people who think they want changes is how we face the hurdles. We get up brush ourselves off, sigh really heavy and think about our next plan of action.

      I come compacted with a few negative traits but they are either worked on or laughed at. I am not looking for perfection, just a balanced life. And after reading your posts I think we are both on the right track to that. Talk soon.

  5. Wonderful Post Rachel Mam.
    I just loved the way you narrated this article.
    From the beginning to the end ,, this post is just packet of motivation and something very awesome.
    THis is my first visit to your blog and wish to come back again and again to read your teachingful writings.
    Have a Good day Rachel Mam.
    Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…Increase Alexa Rank of your Blog : Quick tips and TricksMy Profile

    • Hey Vashishtha,

      Welcome and thank you for such wonderful praise. I am so glad you enjoyed the post. You to sound very motivated and positive yourself. Thats what we need to share don’t we? I look forward to your return and further conversations. Big smile when you call my posts teachingful writings. When I first started, I asked myself what my aim was? The response was to give insightful formulas to self development that I have used or not used, in order for these posts to become somewhat of a go to place, when people are looking for tools. So your fine compliment has certainly hit my aims. Your kind words are appreicated. Talk soon.

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