Are You the Reason Your Relationship is Over?

Kissing Couple - RelationshipDoes the heart weigh more when we are in love?  It feels so full of happiness that we think it may explode.  Radiating like a neon light. When our relationships are going well they have the power to lift us up, give us a leap in our walk, the sky seems bluer and life a mystical magical journey.

However, other times our relationships seem like nothing more than hard-work and we would rather criticise, abuse or avoid the other person rather than address the core issues.

The committed relationship.

Believe it or no; you struck a deal with your partner when you committed to each other.  Back in the day when verbal agreements and a hand shake were as good as signing your name to a contract, the deal was sealed.

When both parties make this promise; they offer to share their most valuable assets: – their heart and mind.  You have decided to become partners in crime.  Sharing these cherished yet vulnerable commodities is not only saying, ‘I love you’, but ‘I trust you with everything I have’.

A union of this magnitude has the power to make you rise above the trivial and make you see the world in a rainbow of colors.  It’s a big responsibility and one that should not be taken lightly, ever!

Because this joint venture also has the power to mentally reduce you to nothing, finding it hard to breath and fight another day.  You try to remember when this relationship started to become difficult, doing nothing more than decreasing your energy levels with negativity.  Wondering if you can ever come back from it.

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Stare fear in the face and decide how to respond.

FearWe all have confident areas in our lives where we would not even consider second guessing ourselves, we do things with efficiency.  We go about our daily agenda with little or no doubt about how we manage.  No fear here.

How do we live fearlessly in every part of our life?  The answer is, prepare and then walk into the cyclone of fear.

Fear is one of our most recognised built in alarm systems. It is one of the easiest of emotions that we can identify; without any confusion.

It gives us little choice but to address it.  Because we feel it.  If anything you could thank fear for being so dam obvious.  But be aware that it can lead us astray and hold us back from life.

First, let’s acknowledge that we all have already faced fear.  Even as a child you worried about the monsters living under your bed or concerns that kept you close by mum or dads side.  But they were all overcome.

Fear has the capacity to hold you back and make you miserable.  The one thing with fear is you can never avoid it because it is too strong a force for you to ignore.  Knowing that you may as well do something with it.

The one thing with fear is you can never avoid it because it is too strong a force for you to ignore. Share on X

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