Excuses need to be used sparingly.

Excuses Need to be Used Sparingly.

Doesn’t life get in the way sometimes?  You’ve committed yourself to an action.  Prepared to follow through and get the job done.  Then the unforeseeable pops up.  It happens.  What do we call a change in plans?  Excuses, reasons, explanations or justifications.

Is this an isolated occurrence or does it happen on a regular basis?  That’s what we look at in this post.

An internal alarm should be sounding off when you hear an excuse forming in your mind.  It’s worth thorough examination.  This could well be a blind spot in your thought processors.  Unaware your words and actions maybe holding you back.  This behaviour may even impact others.

Have you ever heard the beginning of the following sentences come out of your mouth?

  1. I can’t exercise today because….
  2. I detoured on my diet because…
  3. I was late because…
  4. I behaved the way I did because…

The top two show lack of discipline.  The excuse is so you’re not haunted all day from breaking a commitment to yourself.  Sloppy justifications make something we wanted changed, remain exactly where it is.  This attitude stagnates progress.

I ate cake when I was on my diet ‘because’…  Who do you think the excuse is for?  Nobody cares about your weight more than you do.

Success is not obtained overnight. It comes in installments; you get a little bit today, a little bit tomorrow until the whole package is given out. The day you procrastinate, you lose that day’s success. ― Israelmore Ayivor

Numbers 3 and 4 are justification for others.  You’re late and it impacts people you’re committed too.  How many times do you think this will be tolerated before you’re ‘that person’ in the team, people would prefer not to work with?  Would you rely on someone who is consistently late?

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How Do You Steer the Dreamer, Complainer and Excuse Giver?

How Do You Steer the Dreamer, Complainer and Excuse Giver?We all have that friend or relative that continues to talk about the same thing, over and over.  They either complain, make excuses or share their dreams.  Nothing ever changes but they repeat themselves like it’s a whole new scenario.

Of course they have wonderful traits. Yet the main characteristic that sticks out is the one that keeps you at a distance.  It’s asking too much to have to bare another round of what you have heard so many times before.  You near cringe when you have to spend time with them.

How do you steer the dreamer, complainer and excuse giver?

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Say goodbye to ego and hello to change.

Say good-bye to ego and hello to change.

Say good-bye to ego and hello to change.

I would choose a thousand enemies over the uncertainty that my mind creates when I am looking to change my behaviour.

Put your hand up in the air; if you are aware that self-doubt lingers within each and every one of us?  It’s that negative nagging.  We have all heard the following in our minds.  I can’t do it because …………. (Fill in your excuses here).

Other times it can be a physical manifestation created from doubt.  So strong that it can make us feel weak just with the thought of change.

We face two challenges when it comes to altering behavior patterns.  The new actions we want to instill into our life; and that evil enemy sitting on one side of our shoulder whispering doubt.

You are up against your old rival called Ego.  To some it represents as the scared little child within and church goers refer to it as the devil; where temptation teases us to take the wrong path.

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